It seems one can get a lot of attention with clickbait titles that give "centrist" types the cover to support right wing moral panics. Nothing you've covered here gets into any sort of specifics or really critiques CRT. It's just, like all the posts of yours that I've seen, "this movement I'm associating with all of the Left is in opposition to classical liberalism - which is self-evidently 'objective' and good". You seem entirely unaware that CRT was conceived to counter such simplistic, normative liberal assumptions. And, indeed, as someone as religiously devoted to Liberalism as you, you could learn something from its empirical corrections.
I have no idea why your articles keep getting recommended to me, but it's just a daily reminder that comforting illusion (in this case: we, as a society, do not not to question our ideological and structural underpinnings) almost always trumps real analysis.