The debates Adorno and others had with Karl Popper would be instructive here. Because you are such a vulgar positivist (considerably more so than Popper), that it is impossible to engage fruitfully with you.
You are so down a rabbit hole of another’s creation (Chris Rufo’s? James Lindsay’s? Jordan Peterson’s? Some crude amalgamation?), that I have no idea how one might pull you out. Which is to say, more concretely: you attach yourself to some quote, some "fact," and strip it of any and all context. With this fragmented thought you seek to justify your feelings - feelings you cannot even begin to appreciate are the product of ideology. This is not how to read, nor think, critically.
This attempt by you to use a disconnected *paragraph* to explain everything demonstrates my point, and your total intellectual failure. If you want to see what critical theory is in fact about, you’re welcome to read the recent articles on my page (Adorno and Pessoa, Nostalgia, Liberalism’s Last Legs). But I have little expectation that someone so off the mark they’re not even wrong, would get much from them.